OPEN REGISTRATION TO ALL, including Physicians & Staff
The Laser Training InstituteTM
Professional Medical Education Assn, inc
- not-for-profit continuing education, est. 1978 -
Professional Medical Education Association is a NON-PROFIT, 501(C)3 TAX EXEMPT ORGANIZATION.
(Tax ID: 31-1014446)
We are affiliated with, but independent of, the non-profit NATIONAL COUNCIL ON LASER CERTIFICATION
Copyright © 2015 by "Professional Medical Education Assn, Inc"
All Rights reserved
DISCLAIMER:  Most Countries have no requirements for Physicians to perform these procedures if they are
otherwise licensed in that Country/State. Additionally, some do have requirements for non-physicians performing
these procedures, but most are non-applicable if working directly under a Physicians supervision in their
practice. Some have licensing requirements for non-physicians offering these services, but most  have none. We
are a medical education organization rather than a vocational school and do not track licensing requirements (if
any) in various States and Countries. You can call your State Medical Board to check. These are excellent
courses, but it is up to you to determine whether it meets your own requirements. Aside from any State
requirements, the course is equally beneficial to both Physicians and non-Physicians. Check with your State
Medical Board.

                         ACCREDITATION           LASERS             NCLC CERTIFICATION

DATES: Generally offered once per year in Sept. See the SEMINAR DATES page for the schedule.

FEE: €1299 for Physicians and Non-Physicians. A €500 deposit will RESERVE your spot.
           Catch the early bird rate of:
           €999  that expires on July 16, 2019.  A €500 deposit will RESERVE your spot.
       This includes the course and all materials, including the NCLC Certification exam, but does not  
        include hotel nor meals. Balance due by start of course.

INHOUSE TRAINING AT YOUR OFFICE: This same program is available onsite at your own office using your
own laser equipment for $3500 plus travel expenses. It is possible to cut it down to 2 days onsite time if you
have your staff complete some of the lectures online first (no additional charge).

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is suited for Physicians, or to Physician's Staff with over 6 years laser
experience.It is a 3 day program is designed to start from the beginning and cover all of the principles and
concepts involved with cosmetic laser procedures. In this course we do not deal with medical laser procedures
for pathological skin conditions, but emphasize the common aesthetic procedures and devices used for things
such as laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, pigmented and vascular lesion removal, laser tattoo removal, skin
resurfacing and related aesthetic procedures. We DO NOT cover non-laser aesthetic procedures such as Botox
or Fillers, RF devices, nor other non-laser cosmetic procedures. Our emphasis in this course is on all of the
various lasers and IPL's used for these procedures. Although the emphasis is on these cosmetic laser
procedures, we also discuss the ANSI Laser Safety Standards and what is required to setup your Laser Safety
Program.  It includes a half day of hands-on orientation with the typical types of lasers used for these
procedures. We practice on inanimate objects, volunteers, and each other. This is enough to break the ice and
get you started with being familiar with devices, but you'll need additional clinical experience after the course.
We'll discuss easy ways to do this. We are a non-profit organization that is not affiliated with any one laser
company so you get a very good overview of the types of devices used. You should attend this course prior to
purchasing equipment. If needed, we can followup with inhouse training at your own facility doing clinical
procedures with your equipment.

For our course in Dundrum Cosmetic Laser Clinic, Dublin, we will use the laser equipment in
Ireland's best equipped cosmetic laser clinic. We are not obligated to any one manufacturer.
As a result you'll probably get a better range of devices to work on than if you attended a
programme supported by a manufacturer (although manufacturers provide excellent training
that is focused just on their devices). We will have available a diode laser, alexandrite laser,
Nd:Yag laser, IPL, KTP laser, Ruby,Er:Yag, Pico-second and Q-Switched lasers for tattoos.
Side by side comparisons are useful to help "break the ice" of the mystery and show the
relevant differences.

- Describe the anatomy, histology and pathophysiology of the skin as it relates to dermatological laser procedures
·  Exhibit an understanding of basic laser biophysics and laser-tissue interactions as it relates to dermatological laser and
light source procedures.
·  Discuss laser safety precautions for patient and personnel to include eye safety and regulatory safety requirements,
including administrative and procedural controls.
·  Describe patient selection, safety considerations, anesthetic options, management of complications, post-operative
care and procedural techniques for each procedure discussed, to include laser hair removal, pigmented and vascular
lesion removal, treatment of Acne, Skin
Rejuvenation and Skin Resurfacing.
·  Explain conceptually how lasers work, and explain the differentiating characteristics of lasers
·  Discuss the pertinent energy, optical and fiber concepts that are applicable to medical laser use
·  Describe four different types of laser/tissue interactions and explain the importance of thermal confinement to aesthetic
·  Describe the types of hazards which laser presents to personnel and patients.
·  Explain the safety precautions and procedures recommended by ANSI during laser medical procedures to maintain a
safe working environment.

COURSE MATERIALS: Will include PDF copies of all of the slide presentations, copy of the Aesthetic Laser
Procedures Course manual, sample laser safety policies and procedures, a comprehensive listing of laser
manufacturers and suppliers (we take no advertising money), and some sample treatment protocols.

COURSE OUTLINE & FACULTY:  3 Days, 8-5 pm, including the optional NCLC Laser Certification exams the
last day.  CLICK HERE for an outline and Faculty Information.
                  Gregory Absten BSc, MBA,   Brian Barrett

ACCREDITATION:  This program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses (CBRN) for 26.7
contact hours (CEU's).  We have not applied for Category I CME approval because we use examples of many
specific types of laser devices identifiable by brand of laser (though we are not affiliated with any manufacturer).
This device specific illustration in our training precludes Category I approvals, but the program may be submitted
by the individual physician for Category II CME approval. We believe that it is more imporant to see specifics of
equipment and how it is used rather than the Category I credit.

NCLC LASER CERTIFICATIONS:  At the option of the attendee, at the end of this course you will qualify to
take the NCLC Laser Certification exam, and may do so at no charge. We will have an intensive review session
just prior to the testing. With some exceptions for non-physicians, these Certifications are NOT a requirement
for doing laser procedures but are instead a professional credential that sets you apart from other providers.
These Certifications are offered through the separate non-profit National Council on Laser Certification. You may
complete the application form at the time of the course. You should download and read the Certification
Handbook about the requirements for the various Certifications, available at
Part of LASERWAY Cosmetic Clinics, Brian Barrett, Owner

Pricing listed below
Next Dates Pending - see Seminar Dates page for hotel link
CLICK HERE for PDF flyer